Soccer does not stop for light rain! The facility open/close status is determined by the county in coordination with the CYSA. The facility may close for heavy rains or standing water, or for impending storms. If you are a visiting team traveling to our fields, please contact the home team coach to determine game status.
If lightning is observed in the area, it is CYSA policy that all games and practices will be placed on a 30 minute “delay” and fields will be immediately cleared. If a board member or field marshal is present at the fields, a text notice will go out, otherwise, it is up to the authorized staff/coach to make the call to leave the fields. Authorized staff/board may stay inside of CYSA buildings.
Everyone must leave the fields during a lightning delay. DO NOT CONGREGATE UNDER THE FIELD-HOUSE OR GAZEBO AREAS, ideally remain inside of cars or leave the area until the situation has been cleared. If the clubhouse is open, seek shelter indoors if you do not have a vehicle in the area.
Coaches: Please be responsible and help enforce this policy with your teams during your practice times.
CLUB MEMBERS (inclusive of coaches, rec/travel players, and referees) found to be violating this policy may be immediately suspended from ALL club activities (including tournament participation) until a disciplinary hearing held at the next scheduled board meeting.
To get notices of field closures text CYSASOCCER to 84483.